Sunday, January 22, 2012

8:48 AM
A writer shows his true character upon the human frailty of others. While a man lay dying, The Oregonian sports opinion "writer" takes a chance at a final jab. Maybe you would like to go pee on his grave now. Or would you rather go and spit on him now that he has passed?

The sad part is, that this commentary would have had a rightful place sometime down the road. But to write it as he lay dying was in about as poor of taste as anything I can imagine any columnist ever putting to print.

So while Canzano chastised Joe Paterno's character, he simply exposed the truth of your own character. The Bald Faced Truth indeed.

I will write more on this later today.


  1. Who doesn't already know goulzano's character? The shadiest, fakest media types in the area, period.

    Wish the remaining would wake up and give him the boot out of the market.

  2. Cuntzano is a disgrace to those in the journalism community. He's a hack and an egomaniac and while he does have some writing skill, he has decided his future lies in writing crap and stirring up response. Yellow journalism at its worst.
